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Hitma Safety Valves

Safety valve in combination with bursting disc

Which rupture disc is suitable for mounting under a safety valve and what advantages does this combination offer?

ISO and ASME codes for boilers allow the use of non-fragmenting rupture discs in conjunction with safety valves. Rupture discs used in series with a safety valve have the main advantages:

  • They protect the valve from corrosive or viscous products, allowing the use of a simpler and cheaper material, steel instead of stainless steel.
  • Less maintenance is required on the valve.
  • The rupture disc isolates the safety valve from the medium and eliminates unnecessary loss due to lesser sealing of the safety valve seat. Not only beneficial in economic terms, but also better for the environment.
  • The rupture disc isolates the spring of safety valve under fluctuating/cyclic process conditions, reducing the need for maintenance.

Rupture disc selection
Not every type of rupture disc is suitable for mounting under a safety valve, but the right rupture disc with modern rupture disc technology ensures a safe installation with additional benefits. It is important to use a non-fragmenting bursting disc type. This is because fragments can block the safety valve and valve seat and/or the safety valve, as well as damage other components in the exhaust system.

Reverse Acting rupture discs
Modern reverse acting rupture discs are non-fragmenting, have a wide pressure range and are well suited for pulsating and cyclic pressure applications. They can be used well in vacuum without the need for an additional support. All this makes them ideal to combine with a safety valve for low and medium and high pressures. Installation of a reverse acting rupture disc makes it possible to check the condition of the safety valve or calibrate it, for example, without having to stop the process.

Would you like to know more about applying non-fragmenting rupture discs in combination with safety valves? Then get in touch with us.